"The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter" by Adolphe Danziger De Castro and Ambrose Bierce is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative explores the complex interplay of love, social justice, and morality, focusing on the lives of Benedicta, the daughter of a hangman, and Ambrosius, a young monk. Set against a backdrop of religious and societal constraints, the story delves into themes of compassion and the human condition in a harsh world. The opening of the novel introduces us to Brother Ambrosius, a young monk who embarks on a journey with his companions to their new monastery in a foreboding mountainous region. As they navigate through the wild, Ambrosius reflects on their faith, their duty to God, and his own struggles with temptation. Upon encountering a gallows and the young girl, Benedicta, who cares for the body of a hanged man, the tension between societal perceptions and individual compassion is established. The narrative showcases Ambrosius's internal conflict as he feels drawn to Benedicta, whom society condemns due to her father's profession, setting the stage for a profound exploration of love, sacrifice, and the search for redemption throughout the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The monk and the hangman's daughter
By Adolphe Danziger
An adaptation from the German of Richard Voss.
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About the Author
Adolphe Danziger De Castro, also known as Gustav Adolf Danziger, Adolph Danziger, Adolphe Danziger and Adolphe De Castro, was a Jewish scholar, journalist, lawyer and author of poems, novels and short stories.
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