"The Boy Scouts in the Maine Woods; Or, The New Test for the Silver Fox Patrol" by Herbert Carter is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of young Boy Scouts from Cranford, New York, as they embark on a canoe trip through the Maine woods, full of challenges and learning experiences. The main characters include ambitious scout Giraffe, who is determined to master the skill of fire-making, and Thad Brewster, the scoutmaster, who leads his patrol with insight and care. At the start of the adventure, the Silver Fox Patrol is paddling down the Aroostook River, where they engage in playful banter as they discuss fire-making techniques. Giraffe has made a bet with his friend Bumpus that he can start a fire using a traditional South Sea Island method, which has thus far eluded him. The opening chapters introduce the camaraderie among the scouts while hinting at underlying tensions related to a notorious poacher in the area named Cale Martin. As Jim, the Maine guide, reveals that he has a complicated history with this figure, the stage is set for potential conflict and excitement in their wilderness expedition. The narrative combines themes of friendship, adventure, and the struggles of learning new skills, making it appealing for young readers and those interested in outdoor adventures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Boy Scouts in the Maine Woods; Or, The New Test for the Silver Fox Patrol
By Herbert Carter
"The Boy Scouts in the Maine Woods; Or, The New Test for the Silver Fox Patrol" by Herbert Carter is a children's adventure novel written in the early...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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