"The Outcasts of Solar III" by Emmett McDowell is a science fiction novel written in the late 1940s. It introduces readers to Jon Saxon, a nuclear physicist on the brink of an important expedition to Alpha Centauri. As Saxon navigates a world filled with corporate espionage and telepathic abilities, he finds himself embroiled in a dangerous struggle against the shadowy forces of General Atomic, who threaten not only his life but the mission itself. The opening of the book plunges us into a tense confrontation as Jon Saxon, sensing danger, hides with Ileth Urban, a girl who is revealed to be a spy for General Atomic. Their initial encounter is marked by Jon's burgeoning telepathic abilities that allow him to sense the presence of unseen adversaries. As the narrative unfolds, we learn more about the corporate espionage that permeates their world, leading to the impending expedition to Alpha Centauri. The mystery deepens as alien telepaths communicate with Jon, hinting at greater cosmic threats and setting the stage for a high-stakes adventure in uncharted territories. The tension escalates with the revelation of General Atomic's ulterior motives, blending elements of action, intrigue, and the unknown, promising readers a thrilling journey beyond the stars. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Outcasts of Solar III
By Robert Emmett McDowell
"The Outcasts of Solar III" by Emmett McDowell is a science fiction novel written in the late 1940s. It introduces readers to Jon Saxon, a nuclear phy...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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