"The Blue Venus" by Robert Emmett McDowell is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds on the planet Venus, where the protagonist, a hooded figure known as The Renegade, embarks on a daring mission to confront a cruel slaver named Hal Bemmelman, who is involved in a monstrous experimentation scheme. The narrative introduces the beautiful character Sofi, who becomes pivotal in engaging with The Renegade’s quest against Bemmelman’s nefarious plans. At the start of the narrative, the tension escalates quickly as The Renegade infiltrates a plantation owned by Bemmelman, leading to a suspenseful encounter with Sofi, who reveals her hatred for the slaver. A violent confrontation ensues, revealing the stakes at play as The Renegade seeks to gather evidence against Bemmelman while grappling with his own identity as an outlaw. Meanwhile, the introduction of Mia MacIver, who arrives on Venus to manage her murdered father's plantation, ties personal vendettas together with broader social injustices surrounding slavery on the planet. The opening sets a compelling tone of intrigue and danger that invites readers into a richly imagined world filled with conflict, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Blue Venus
By Robert Emmett McDowell
"The Blue Venus" by Robert Emmett McDowell is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds on the planet Venus, w...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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