"John Whopper" by Thomas M. Clark is a whimsical novel written in the early 1870s. The story follows the adventures of a young newsboy named John Whopper, who embarks on a fantastical journey that takes him through a secret passage in the Earth, leading him to China, the North Pole, and beyond. The book mixes elements of adventure and fantasy, exploring themes of curiosity, youthful ambition, and the wonders of exploration. The narrative begins with John slipping into a mysterious hole that transports him beneath the Earth's surface, ultimately landing in China where he cleverly sells Boston newspapers at a high price to eager customers. His entrepreneurial spirit shines as he devises a scheme to transport newspapers via an "air-line" route, leading to a series of escapades and narrow escapes. Eventually, his travels take him to the Arctic, where he survives on a drifting iceberg after discovering provisions from a dismasted ship. As he crafts a life for himself on the iceberg, he becomes resourceful, utilizing what he finds to sustain himself, while dreaming of returning home. The story culminates with his eventual rescue and return to Roxbury, reflecting both the absurdity and charm of his adventures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
John Whopper The Newsboy
By Thomas M. (Thomas March) Clark
"John Whopper" by Thomas M. Clark is a whimsical novel written in the early 1870s. The story follows the adventures of a young newsboy named John Whop...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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