"The Rainbow Feather" by Fergus Hume is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story begins with a prophetic encounter involving a young woman named Milly participating in a fortune-telling session with a gipsy, who ominously warns her of death and murder. The narrative unfolds around Milly's complex relationships, particularly with the wealthy Darcy Herne, to whom she is engaged, and Lucas Lovel, an artist with whom she shares a flirtation. At the start of the book, the stage is set with a mystery that commingles love, betrayal, and dark prophecy. The opening chapter establishes the characters of Milly and Lovel, showcasing their flirtation and the tensions of Milly's impending marriage to a man she does not love. After their encounter with the gipsy, ominous themes begin to surface, hinting at the tragic outcomes of youthful indiscretions as tensions between the characters mount, foreshadowing the unfolding drama that intertwines fate and free will amidst romantic entanglements. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rainbow Feather
By Fergus Hume
"The Rainbow Feather" by Fergus Hume is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story begins with a prophetic encounter involving a young woman ...
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About the Author
Ferguson Wright Hume, known as Fergus Hume, was a prolific English novelist, known for his detective fiction, thrillers and mysteries.
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