"Grandfather's Love Pie" by Miriam Gaines is a heartwarming children's story, likely written in the early 20th century. This delightful book narrates the touching theme of love and family, centering around a young girl named Alsie and her aunt, Alice, as they prepare a special Christmas surprise for their ailing grandfather. The story emphasizes the importance of cherishing loved ones and finding joy in giving, even during difficult times. The narrative unfolds with the realization that their grandfather is gravely ill, prompting young Alsie to devise a plan to bring some cheer to the family. Alongside her aunt, they conceptualize a unique 'love pie'—a pie filled not with food, but with heartfelt gifts and messages from family members. As they gather contributions, the pie symbolizes their love and support for their grandfather. The eventual reveal of the pie on Christmas Day becomes a celebration of family unity and love, showcasing moments of laughter, tears, and the spirit of togetherness that defines the holiday season. Through its lyrical storytelling and charming illustrations, the book conveys a profound message about the power of love to uplift the spirit in times of sorrow. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Grandfather's Love Pie
By Miriam Gaines
"Grandfather's Love Pie" by Miriam Gaines is a heartwarming children's story, likely written in the early 20th century. This delightful book narrates ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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