"Out of Death's Shadow; Or, A Case Without a Precedent" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the famous detective Nick Carter, who is embroiled in a complex murder case linked to a series of deceptions involving a woman named Cora Reesey, also known as Madame Ree. As the narrative unfolds, Carter must navigate through secrets, lies, and an impending trial to uncover the truth underlying a murder and the fates of several key players, including John Dashwood and Gabriel Leonard. The opening of the novel introduces us to Nick Carter, who is in discussions regarding a murder trial involving a woman accused of killing her husband. As he converses with John Dashwood, the manager of the manufacturing company linked to the case, tensions arise concerning business irregularities. The narrative shifts focus as mysterious figures appear, including Madam Ree, who is revealed to have a tumultuous connection to other characters and motivations tied to the central crime. Suspicion begins to hobble through the dialogue, leading to a sense of foreboding as Nick Carter’s innate detective instincts kick in, suggesting that darker complexities await as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Out of Death's Shadow; Or, A Case Without a Precedent
By Nicholas (House name) Carter
"Out of Death's Shadow; Or, A Case Without a Precedent" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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