"The Rambler Club's House-boat" by W. Crispin Sheppard is an adventurous novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of boys, led by Bob Somers and his friend Jack Lyons, as they embark on an exciting trip along the historic Hudson River aboard a houseboat named the "Gray Gull." Their journey is filled with challenges, friendships, and the exploration of the river's beauty, making it a delightful tale for younger readers and adventure enthusiasts alike. The opening of the novel introduces the central characters as they arrive in New York excited to meet Jack Lyons, who invites them to join his crew on the "Gray Gull." As they discuss their plans and previous adventures, they are informed about an important twist in their journey involving a former tutor in distress, leading to new friendships. The boys are enthusiastic about their upcoming trip, mingling humor with camaraderie, while also addressing minor misunderstandings that foreshadow the adventures ahead. Overall, the beginning sets a light and adventurous tone, suggesting a blend of friendship, excitement, and youthful energy as they navigate their way into new experiences on the water. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rambler Club's house-boat
By W. Crispin (William Crispin) Sheppard
Illustrated by the author.
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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