"The Smiler" by Albert Hernhuter is a science fiction short story originally published in the early 1950s. The narrative unfolds in a tense and intriguing atmosphere, centered around the themes of infiltration, control, and the potential dangers of creative expression. It explores ideas about the power of imagination and its impact on society through the lens of an extraordinary premise involving Martians disguised as humans. The story revolves around Martin Cole, a literary agent who admits to killing a fellow writer, Sanford Smith, to protect a Martian conspiracy aimed at taking over Earth. During a coroner's inquest discussing Smith's death, Cole reveals that the Martians view science fiction writers as a significant threat due to their ability to disclose forbidden knowledge and undermine their plans. As the inquest progresses, it becomes apparent that Cole's seemingly controlled demeanor masks a chilling reality, leaving a haunting impression of how deeply their influence pervades society. The riveting conclusion sees Cole using a deadly weapon disguised as a common fountain pen, emphasizing the story's themes of hidden dangers and the subversive potential of fiction. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Smiler
By Albert Hernhuter
"The Smiler" by Albert Hernhuter is a science fiction short story originally published in the early 1950s. The narrative unfolds in a tense and intrig...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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