"A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 (of 3)" by Adolphe Belot is a fictional novel likely written in the late 19th century. This installment continues the adventures of Madame de Guéran and her companions as they navigate through Africa, encountering the stark realities of the slave trade amidst the landscapes of the Nile. The story combines elements of adventure, romance, and social commentary, highlighting both the beauty of the African terrain and the grim operations of human trafficking. The opening portion of the novel describes the group's river journey on the steamer "Khedive," where they engage in conversations with an Egyptian officer about the ongoing struggles against the slave trade. Their voyage is interrupted by the discovery of a slaver ship, which leads to the dramatic rescue of enslaved individuals held captive in severe conditions. The narrative is filled with tension as the captain and European travelers confront the slave traders and work to liberate the captives, highlighting the brutal realities of the slave trade while also showcasing the characters' courage and humanity. The gripping scenes set the stage for further exploration and challenges as they continue their adventure deeper into Africa. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 (of 3)
By Adolphe Belot
"A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 (of 3)" by Adolphe Belot is a fictional novel likely written in the late 19th century. This installment continues the adve...
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About the Author
Louis Marc Adolphe Belot was a French playwright and novelist. He was born on 6 November 1829 in Pointe-à-Pitre, and died on 18 December 1890 in Paris.
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