"The Duel" by A. I. Kuprin is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around young officers in a military regiment, depicting their routines and camaraderie, as they navigate a complex world filled with social dynamics, personal aspirations, and the looming notion of honor, particularly in the context of duels. The main character, Sub-Lieutenant Romashov, grapples with feelings of loneliness, aspirations for a more noble existence, and turbulent encounters with authority figures and fellow officers. The opening of the novel sets the stage within a military parade-ground where the 6th Company is undergoing drill practice. Tension and frustration mount among the junior officers as they await the drill's conclusion. A series of interactions among the officers—highlighted by humor and camaraderie—unfold, revealing their personalities and daily struggles. The scene shifts to Sub-Lieutenant Romashov, who feels increasingly alienated and disillusioned, contemplating his future and ambitions amidst the strict military hierarchy. His interactions with other officers expose themes of social status, personal honor, and the pressures of military life, foreshadowing potential conflicts and deeper character development. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The duel
By A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich) Kuprin
Translation of: Поединок.
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About the Author
Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin was a Russian writer best known for his novels The Duel (1905) and Yama: The Pit (1915), as well as Moloch (1896), Olesya (1898), "Captain Ribnikov" (1906), "Emerald" (1907), and The Garnet Bracelet (1911) – the latter made into a 1965 movie.
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