"The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge; or, The Hermit of Moonlight Falls" by Laura Lee Hope is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story centers around four adventurous girls—Betty, Grace, Mollie, and Amy—as they embark on a summer trip after the end of World War I. This installment in the series follows the girls as they anticipate the return of their boyfriends from the war while navigating their own fun and challenges in the outdoors. The opening portion of the book introduces the girls in Mollie's touring car, humorously discussing the joyous day and their excitement about the boys coming home. However, their lighthearted adventure quickly takes a suspenseful turn when they narrowly escape a falling tree on the road thanks to a mysterious old man, Professor Dempsey. The story hints at deeper themes of loss and worry as the girls reflect on their lives, the war's impact, and the significance of their relationships while introducing an intriguing new character, Professor Dempsey, whose background hints at sadness related to his sons serving in the war. As the girls deal with thrills and spills, readers are drawn into the warmth of friendship and the uncertainty of the future in a rapidly changing world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge; or, the Hermit of Moonlight Falls
By Laura Lee Hope
"The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge; or, The Hermit of Moonlight Falls" by Laura Lee Hope is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The s...
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About the Author
Laura Lee Hope is a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for the Bobbsey Twins and several other series of children's novels. Actual writers taking up the pen of Laura Lee Hope include Edward Stratemeyer, Howard and Lilian Garis, Elizabeth Ward, Harriet (Stratemeyer) Adams, Andrew E. Svenson, June M. Dunn, Grace Grote and Nancy Axelrad.
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