"Bumper the White Rabbit and His Friends" by George Ethelbert Walsh is a children’s storybook written in the early 20th century. This book is part of the "Twilight Animal Series" aimed at young readers aged four to ten, featuring delightful animal characters and their adventures. The main character, Bumper the white rabbit, seeks to develop friendships with other woodland creatures while navigating dangers posed by predators in his environment. The opening of the story introduces readers to Bumper, who has decided to embrace a more peaceful approach to life in the woods after previously engaging in trickery against his foes. Instead of seeking conflict, he aims to make friends with various animals, beginning with Sleepy the Opossum. The narrative highlights Bumper's character development as he shows compassion and concern for others, evident when he attempts to warn Sleepy about an approaching lynx. This sets the stage for valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and selflessness throughout the series of adventures that Bumper will embark on with his friends. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Bumper the White Rabbit and His Friends
By George Ethelbert Walsh
"Bumper the White Rabbit and His Friends" by George Ethelbert Walsh is a children’s storybook written in the early 20th century. This book is part of ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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