"Unwelcomed Visitor" by William Morrison is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative follows Xhanph, the first ambassador from the planet Gfun, as he unexpectedly encounters a starkly indifferent humanity upon his arrival on Earth. The story explores themes of alienation, communication, and societal norms, particularly in the face of the extraordinary. Xhanph lands on Earth with high hopes of being welcomed as a hero, only to find that the inhabitants are largely uninterested in him or his mission of friendship. His attempts to engage with individuals are met with dismissal and apathy, leading him to question the reason behind their indifference. Despite his unique status as an interplanetary visitor, he discovers that people have grown weary of the concept of extraterrestrial life due to overexposure through media and imagination. This realization culminates in a mix of frustration and self-reflection, highlighting not only the alien's struggle for recognition but also a commentary on human behavior and curiosity. Ultimately, he finds a kindred spirit in another alien, underscoring themes of connection in a seemingly unwelcoming world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Unwelcomed Visitor
By Joseph Samachson
"Unwelcomed Visitor" by William Morrison is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative follows Xhanph, the first amb...
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About the Author
Joseph Samachson was an American scientist and writer, primarily of science fiction and comic books.
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