"A Successful Venture" by Ellen Douglas Deland is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Starr sisters—Honor, Katherine, Victoria, and the youngest, Sophy—as they navigate a significant change in their lives after the death of their father and the arrival of their formidable Aunt Sophia. Faced with the prospect of leaving their beloved home and agreeing to Aunt Sophia's plans, the sisters must find their own way to support themselves amidst financial struggle. The opening of the novel sets a poignant and reflective tone, introducing the Starr sisters in their quaint dining room as they prepare for their aunt's visit, unaware of the drastic changes she intends to impose on their lives. As Aunt Sophia arrives amidst a stormy day, her authoritative demeanor and unexpected announcement about relocating the sisters to Boston leads to an immediate family dialogue filled with resistance and disbelief. This tumultuous family dynamic highlights their struggle against societal expectations, and the sisters' determination to maintain their autonomy becomes evident as they contemplate a life of self-sufficiency while adhering to their father's legacy. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A successful venture
By Ellen Douglas Deland
"A Successful Venture" by Ellen Douglas Deland is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the Starr sisters—Honor, Katheri...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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