"Jessie Trim" by B. L. Farjeon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy, Chris, who navigates a childhood marked by familial instability, loss, and an oppressive grandmother. The protagonist's life unfolds through memories and reflections that highlight the complexities of childhood, including fear, imagination, and the struggle for survival in the face of poverty. The opening of the novel introduces us to Chris's early memories, particularly centered around his grandmother and a mysterious stone figure that seems to haunt his thoughts. He describes the family dynamic, focusing on his grandmother’s quirks and a sense of foreboding connected to her past, especially concerning a man named Anthony Bullpit. As Chris grapples with loneliness and the specter of family secrets, he also reacts to the pressures of familial expectation and the unease generated by his surroundings. His vivid recollections of events and quirky characters weave a fascinating narrative that sets up the emotional landscape for his coming challenges, painting a poignant picture of a young boy's formative years. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jessie Trim
By B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon
"Jessie Trim" by B. L. Farjeon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy, Chris, who navigates a childhood ma...
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About the Author
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon was an English novelist, playwright, printer and journalist. As an author, he was known for his huge output.
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