"Sunny Boy at the Seashore" by Ramy Allison White is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the adventures of Sunny Boy, a cheerful young boy, as he prepares for a trip to the seashore with his family, including his loving father, mother, and Aunt Bessie. The book is likely to engage young readers through Sunny Boy’s lively interactions with his friends and family, as well as the anticipation of summer fun by the ocean. At the start of the book, Sunny Boy enthusiastically shares news about their upcoming trip to the seashore with his friends, Ruth and Nelson. He reflects on his previous adventures at his grandfather’s farm and expresses excitement about learning to swim at Nestle Cove. The opening portion takes readers through Sunny Boy’s busy day as he interacts with his family and neighbors, showcasing his playful nature and curiosity. Throughout these interactions, we see glimpses of Sunny Boy's imagination and his eagerness for new adventures, hinting at the fun and challenges that await them at the beach. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sunny Boy at the seashore
By Ramy Allison White
"Sunny Boy at the Seashore" by Ramy Allison White is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the adventures of Sunny B...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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