"The Redemption of Kenneth Galt" by Will N. Harben is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the lives of several characters in the town of Stafford, particularly focusing on Dr. Wynn Dearing, Dora Barry, and Fred Walton, as they navigate complex relationships and personal struggles. Themes of morality, love, and redemption are likely to play pivotal roles in the unfolding story. The opening of the novel introduces us to Dr. Dearing, who observes the local congregation on a tranquil Sunday morning while displaying concern for his neighbor, Dora Barry, who appears troubled. As Dearing interacts with Dora, it becomes evident that she is dealing with deeper issues related to her mother's illness and her potential relationship with Fred Walton. Concurrently, Fred's private turmoil is hinted at, suggesting a dark past tied to his reckless behavior. The gathering interactions among the characters set the stage for their intertwined destinies, foreshadowing the struggles and choices they will face as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Redemption of Kenneth Galt
By Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben
"The Redemption of Kenneth Galt" by Will N. Harben is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the lives of several characte...
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About the Author
William Nathaniel Harben was an American writer active in the early 20th century. He specialized in stories about the people of the mountains of Northern Georgia. He was sometimes credited as Will N. Harben or Will Harben.
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