"The Death Shot: A Story Retold" by Captain Mayne Reid is a romantic adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the backdrop of the American South during the slave-owning era, highlighting themes of love, revenge, and moral contrasts between characters in a complex social setup. It features Colonel Archibald Armstrong, a kind slave owner, and his cruel neighbor Ephraim Darke, whose son, Richard Darke, schemes to win the affection of Armstrong's daughter, Helen, while harboring dark intentions. The opening of the novel introduces a tension-filled landscape where the reader is quickly drawn into a world of mystery. The scene shifts to a Texan prairie, revealing a live man's head seemingly severed from his body, indicating a grave danger lurking nearby. As the tale progresses into the first chapters, it delves into the contrasting lives of two slave owners and their interactions, setting the stage for Richard Darke's obsessive pursuit of Helen Armstrong amidst mounting tensions of debt and betrayal. The story promises a mix of action and emotion as it unfolds the complexities of love and vengeance entangled within the societal norms of its time. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Death Shot: A Story Retold
By Mayne Reid
"The Death Shot: A Story Retold" by Captain Mayne Reid is a romantic adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the backdr...
Thomas Mayne Reid was a British novelist who fought in the Mexican–American War (1846–1848). His many works on American life describe colonial policy in the American colonies, the horrors of slave labour, and the lives of American Indians. "Captain" Reid wrote adventure novels akin to those by Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), and Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894). They were set mainly in the American West, Mexico, South Africa, the Himalayas, and Jamaica. He was an admirer of Lord Byron. His novel Quadroon (1856), an anti-slavery work, was later adapted as a play entitled The Octoroon (1859) by Dion Boucicault and produced in New York.