"Blessed Event" by Henry Farrell is a satirical novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around the highly unusual circumstances surrounding the birth of an extraordinary baby, the million quadrillionth child born on Earth, who possesses an unprecedented level of intelligence. The book explores themes of parenthood, societal expectations, and the consequences of exceptional talent, all wrapped in a comedic narrative. The plot centers on Lester and Ginny Holmes, a typical couple overwhelmed by the birth of their son, referred to as A.P. (Anstruther Pierpont Holmes), who begins to display a startling ability to communicate and manipulate situations from the time he is born. As A.P. grows, he quickly demands attention from the press and the public, leading to chaos in the Holmes family's lives. Lester and Ginny struggle to adapt to their son's extraordinary nature while trying to maintain normalcy. The story culminates in a series of comedic misunderstandings and critiques of societal norms, ultimately leading to a heartwarming conclusion that highlights the importance of family above intellect. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Blessed Event
By Henry Farrell
"Blessed Event" by Henry Farrell is a satirical novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around the highly unusual circumstances surroundi...
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About the Author
Henry Farrell was an American novelist and screenwriter, best known as the author of the renowned gothic horror story What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, which was made into a film starring Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.
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