"The Return of Clubfoot" by Valentine Williams is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Desmond Okewood, a Secret Service agent who embarks on an adventurous quest for hidden treasure in Central America. As he navigates dangerous encounters with his old nemesis, the Man with the Clubfoot, the narrative promises elements of intrigue, suspense, and romance. The opening of the book introduces Okewood during a holiday in a tropical setting, where he encounters a dying beach-comber who reveals the existence of a hidden treasure on Cock Island in the Pacific. A cipher he possesses is vital to finding the treasure, setting the stage for conflict with the Clubfoot. As the plot unfolds, we are introduced to vibrant characters, including a millionaire's daughter and a humorous interaction with a woman named Doña Luisa, leading to Okewood's decision to follow the beach-comber's urgent request for assistance. This sets up a tale filled with anticipation and adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Return of Clubfoot
By Valentine Williams
"The Return of Clubfoot" by Valentine Williams is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Desmond Okewood, a Secret Servi...
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About the Author
George Valentine Williams was a journalist and writer of popular fiction.
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