"Clubfoot the Avenger" by Valentine Williams is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story features Major Desmond Okewood, a retired secret service agent, who finds himself drawn back into the dangerous world of espionage when a malevolent figure known as "The Man with the Clubfoot" resurfaces with a campaign of vengeance against those connected to the British Secret Service. The narrative promises intrigue and suspense, while Okewood grapples with threats from the dangerous mastermind and his cunning tactics. The opening portion of the book sets the stage with a grim discovery in a rain-soaked London, where a dead man is found in a cabriolet, suspected of suicide. As Major Okewood investigates the peculiar circumstances surrounding the death, he meets various characters, including a young woman, Miss Vera Slade, whose stolen car is linked to the crime. Suspicion arises that the dead man may not be who he seems, suggesting a deeper conspiracy tied to Okewood's past. This tense beginning establishes an atmosphere of mystery while hinting at the complex web of intrigue that will unfold as Okewood navigates old relationships and confronts the dark figure of Clubfoot. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Clubfoot the Avenger Being some further adventures of Desmond Oakwood, of the Secret Service
By Valentine Williams
"Clubfoot the Avenger" by Valentine Williams is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story features Major Desmond Okewood, a retir...
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About the Author
George Valentine Williams was a journalist and writer of popular fiction.
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