"First Lensman" by E. E. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story is set in a universe where intergalactic battles rage, as the Galactic Patrol strives to protect civilization from evil forces like the Eddorians. The narrative follows key characters such as Dr. Nels Bergenholm and Virgil Samms as they navigate intense conflicts involving mind powers, advanced technology, and cosmic responsibilities. At the start of the novel, a dramatic confrontation occurs between an Arisian, Dr. Nels Bergenholm, and Gharlane of Eddore, who seeks to destroy him. Despite the initial violence, Dr. Bergenholm reveals his invulnerability and the deeper psychological fight at play. The narrative then expands into the backstory of both the Arisians and the Eddorians, describing the latter as ancient beings whose lust for power has driven them to threaten civilizations. As tensions escalate, Samms is introduced, emphasizing the urgent need for the Galactic Patrol to protect against impending doom. This opening portion sets a gripping tone, establishing the stakes and the complex battlefield of minds in a richly constructed universe. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
First Lensman
By E. E. (Edward Elmer) Smith
"First Lensman" by E. E. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story is set in a universe where intergalactic battles ...
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About the Author
Edward Elmer Smith was an American food engineer and science-fiction author, best known for the Lensman and Skylark series. He is sometimes called the father of space opera.
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