"The Feeding of School Children" by M. E. Bulkley is a social science monograph published in the early 20th century. The work revolves around the historical development and implementation of school meal programs in England, focusing on the inadequacies of food provision for underprivileged children and the impact of malnutrition on their education and wellbeing. The author investigates the transition from voluntary charity to public responsibility for feeding schoolchildren, emphasizing the relevance of nutrition to educational outcomes and societal health. The opening of the text establishes the context for the provision of meals, depicting a growing social consciousness regarding the plight of underfed children in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It highlights key events and legislation, such as the Education (Provision of Meals) Act of 1906, which allowed local authorities to provide meals to schoolchildren. Discussions in the introduction emphasize that adequate nutrition is crucial for children's educational and physical development and outline the mixed results of both voluntary agencies and government efforts in addressing these needs. Bulkley also thanks various contributors to her research, setting up the expectation that the following chapters will delve into the practicalities and evolving policies surrounding this critical social issue. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Feeding of School Children
By M. E. (Mildred Emily) Bulkley
"The Feeding of School Children" by M. E. Bulkley is a social science monograph published in the early 20th century. The work revolves around the hist...
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