"Riddle of the Storm" by Roy J. Snell is a mystery story for boys written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in the rugged northern wilderness of Canada, featuring Curlie Carson, an air mail pilot who encounters a mysterious gray plane that is rumored to be an outlaw's vehicle. The book delves into themes of adventure, mystery, and the challenges of life in the harsh Arctic environment as Curlie becomes embroiled in an attempt to unravel the secrets behind the plane and its elusive pilot. The opening of the story introduces Curlie Carson, who is on a routine flight along the Mackenzie River Air Route when he sights the fabled "Gray Streak," a plane associated with tales of criminal activity. The appearance of the plane fills him with both fear and curiosity, especially as he discovers a woman's handkerchief that carries a dire message: "I am a captive." This compelling moment sets Curlie on a path of investigation, not only to protect his own cargo against potential theft but also to aid the captive, identified as D'Arcy Arden. Meanwhile, as Curlie grapples with the mysteries of the air, another character, Joyce Mills, emerges in a separate narrative thread, hinting at intertwined fates and further mysteries as the story progresses through the arctic wilderness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Riddle of the Storm A Mystery Story for Boys
By Roy J. (Roy Judson) Snell
"Riddle of the Storm" by Roy J. Snell is a mystery story for boys written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in the rugged northern wild...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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