"Nobody's Rose: Or, The Girlhood of Rose Shannon" by Adele E. Thompson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young girl named Posey Sharpe, who finds herself homeless and alone after the abrupt departure of her guardian, Madam Atheldena Sharpe. The book delves into Posey's struggles as she navigates a harsh world filled with poverty and betrayal, while holding onto the memory of her beloved mother and dreaming of a brighter future. The opening of the narrative introduces readers to the difficult circumstances faced by Posey, who is found sobbing on a city street, having been left to fend for herself after Madam Sharpe's disappearance. Posey's plight evokes sympathy as she reflects on her past, her mother's love, and the sorrow of living in a cold and unkind reality. The story quickly shifts to Posey's life under Madam Sharpe, where she is employed as a performer in deceptive spirit séances, illustrating the exploitation she endures. As Madam Sharpe's secrets are revealed, Posey is once again cast adrift, setting the stage for her journey through various trials and her resilient spirit to seek care and shelter in a world that seems unforgiving. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Nobody's Rose : $b or, The girlhood of Rose Shannon
By Adele E. Thompson
"Nobody's Rose: Or, The Girlhood of Rose Shannon" by Adele E. Thompson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young girl na...
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About the Author
Adele Eugenia Thompson was an American writer, based in Ohio, best known for a series of historical novels for young readers.
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