"In the Mist of the Mountains" by Ethel Turner is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a picturesque town called Burunda, where the Lomax children—Pauline, Lynn, Muffie, and Max—experience the charm of nature and the drama of daily life during their summer stay. The novel likely explores themes of childhood, family dynamics, and the transition between innocence and the complexities of adult life. At the start of the book, the Lomax children are introduced against the backdrop of a misty mountain landscape, where they express their desire for adventure amidst playful arguments and sibling banter. Their interactions with Larkin, a local boy, and their encounters with a mysterious author named Hugh Kinross establish a sense of community and rivalry. The opening chapters detail their lively discussions about their surroundings, their foiled attempts at adventure, and their playful observations, all of which promise to engage readers in the joys and trials of childhood. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
In the Mist of the Mountains
By Ethel Turner
"In the Mist of the Mountains" by Ethel Turner is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a picturesque town called Burunda, w...
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About the Author
Ethel Turner was an English-born Australian novelist and children's literature writer.
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