"Lily's Birthday" by Madeline Leslie is a children's book written in the late 19th century. The narrative revolves around the joyous celebration of young Lily's birthday, detailing the events and interactions of her family and cousins as they prepare for a festive tea party and engage in various childhood games. The book encapsulates themes of innocence, familial bonds, and the importance of kindness among children. The story begins with the eager anticipation of Lily’s birthday and unfolds through a series of charming vignettes featuring Lily and her siblings, cousins, and relatives. It depicts the excitement of birthday gifts, the warmth of family gatherings, and the blissful atmosphere of childhood play. As Lily navigates through her special day, the narrative is interspersed with lessons in kindness, compassion, and the joy of sharing, culminating in a memorable celebration that unites the family. Each chapter presents a slice of life that emphasizes the simple pleasures of childhood, underscored by the loving presence of family and friends. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lily's birthday
By Madeline Leslie
"Lily's Birthday" by Madeline Leslie is a children's book written in the late 19th century. The narrative revolves around the joyous celebration of yo...
Harriette Newell Woods Baker was an American author of books for children, and editor. Her career as an author began when she was about 30 years old. She devoted herself successfully to novels; but after about 15 years, she wrote popular religious literature. Her most famous book, Tim, the Scissors Grinder, sold half a million copies, and was translated into several languages. Baker published about 200 moral and religious tales under the pen name "Mrs. Madeline Leslie". She also wrote under her own name or initials, and under that of "Aunt Hattie". She wrote chiefly for the young, and was still writing in 1893 when she died.