"Polly and Eleanor" by Lillian Elizabeth Roy is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with Polly Brewster and her friend Eleanor Maynard, who are embarking on a thrilling new adventure related to a gold mining claim in Colorado. Set against a backdrop of the American West, the narrative introduces themes of friendship, adventure, and the challenges of rural life, particularly in a world filled with potential claim jumpers and the promise of treasure. The opening of the novel sets the stage for an exciting journey as Polly, her family, and Eleanor prepare for a trip to a gold mine they have just discovered. The characters display a blend of excitement and trepidation regarding the possible dangers they might face, including confrontations with claim jumpers and the wilderness itself. The scene at the supper table reveals the dynamics between the characters, showcasing Polly's adventurous spirit and the strong familial bonds that guide them. As they discuss their plans and the potential threats, the interaction establishes a lively atmosphere filled with anticipation for the challenges to come. Overall, the beginning portrays a spirit of adventure and a hint of the wild-west ethos that permeates the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Polly and Eleanor
By Lillian Elizabeth Roy
"Polly and Eleanor" by Lillian Elizabeth Roy is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with Polly Brewster and her friend Eleanor...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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