"Mr. Arnold: A Romance of the Revolution" by Francis Lynde is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the American Revolutionary War, the story follows Richard Page, a young captain in the Continental Army who is grappling with the challenges of loyalty, honor, and personal relationships amid the chaos of war. The narrative begins with Richard's tumultuous encounter with Captain Seytoun and hints at his conflict with Benedict Arnold, the infamous traitor, setting the stage for themes of betrayal and the complexities of allegiance. The opening of the novel introduces us to Richard Page on his 22nd birthday as he shares a dismal toast with his friend Jack Pettus in a tavern. They discuss the dire state of their troop and the recent desertions, highlighting the impact of Arnold’s treachery on the morale of the patriot forces. Tension escalates when Seytoun provokes Page, who initially feels bound by honor not to fight him. However, after a confrontation where Page strikes Seytoun, he is thrust into a duel that he cannot escape. This pivotal moment leads to Richard's decision to abandon his camp and journey to New York, setting him on a collision course with Arnold and the choices that will define his fate and loyalties. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mr. Arnold: A romance of the Revolution
By Francis Lynde
"Mr. Arnold: A Romance of the Revolution" by Francis Lynde is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the Am...
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About the Author
Francis Lynde was an American writer. Three of his books were adapted to film. He was born in Lewiston, New York, and wrote adventure novels set in the American West in the early 20th century. The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library has a collection of his papers.
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