"The Slaves of Society: A Comedy in Covers" by Allen Upward is a comedic novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative delves into the intricacies of social class and personal relationships in British society, particularly focusing on the lives of the upper class. Central to the story are the marchioness and her daughter, Lady Victoria, as they navigate societal expectations and romantic entanglements, specifically involving the music-hall singer Belle Yorke and the wealthy Mr. Hammond. The opening of the story introduces a scene in the lavish drawing-room of the marchioness, where she engages in witty banter with Mr. Despencer about the burdens of social status. They discuss the suitability of potential marriage prospects for Lady Victoria, weighing a wealthy brewery heir against the dubious reputation of Belle Yorke, a rising star in the music hall. Through this dialogue, hints of hidden relationships and societal pressures arise, establishing the foundation for the comedic elements that unfold as the characters interact with each other and the societal norms they each grapple with. The introduction sets a satirical tone that explores themes of ambition, reputation, and the farcical nature of social customs. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Slaves of Society: A Comedy in Covers
By Allen Upward
"The Slaves of Society: A Comedy in Covers" by Allen Upward is a comedic novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative delves into the intrica...
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About the Author
George Allen Upward was a British poet, lawyer, politician and teacher. His work was included in the first anthology of Imagist poetry, Des Imagistes, which was edited by Ezra Pound and published in 1914. He was a first cousin once removed of Edward Upward. His parents were George and Mary Upward, and he was survived by an elder sister (Mary) Edith Upward.
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