"The Cruise of a Schooner" by Albert W. Harris is a memoir chronicling an adventurous overland expedition written in the early 20th century. The narrative details the author's long-planned journey from California to Chicago, alongside his companions, Dr. H.W. Lancaster and Robert Lancaster, as they traverse rugged terrains, face harsh weather conditions, and navigate through deserts and mountains with their pack horses and wagon. This voyage is not just a physical journey but also an exploration of dreams and aspirations, as the author reflects on fulfilling his childhood ambitions of adventure. The opening of the memoir sets the stage for this adventure, detailing the author's youthful dreams of owning a pony and running a ranch. As he transitions from these early fantasies to the realities of adult life, he shares his resolve to embark on this long-overdue trip. The beginning describes the preparations for the journey, including gathering the necessary supplies and assembling an outfit of horses and a wagon with friends who ultimately back out, leaving him and the two Lancasters to face the journey together. The reader gains insight into their initial experiences as they cope with the realities of travel, from packing their supplies to dealing with unexpected challenges, all while painting a vivid picture of the vast and challenging landscapes they encounter. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Cruise of a Schooner
By Albert W. (Albert Wadsworth) Harris
"The Cruise of a Schooner" by Albert W. Harris is a memoir chronicling an adventurous overland expedition written in the early 20th century. The narra...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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