"Sonny, A Christmas Guest" by Ruth McEnery Stuart is a fictional story likely penned in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Sonny, a young boy who enters the world through the experiences of his father, unveiling themes of family, love, and the joys associated with childhood milestones, particularly his birth on Christmas day. At the start of the book, the reader is introduced to the father, a character who is filled with emotions and apprehension as he clutches his newborn son in a quilt while navigating the chaos of a joyous yet overwhelming moment. The father reflects on the depth of his feelings as he prepares to introduce the child to his mother, and his nervousness is palpable. The scene captures the essence of the family dynamics as they embrace the new arrival, showcasing the father's hopes and worries. The father’s whimsical thoughts about the baby’s size and inheritance of family traits add a charming touch to the narrative, setting the tone for a story rich in humor and heartwarming moments. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sonny, a Christmas Guest
By Ruth McEnery Stuart
"Sonny, A Christmas Guest" by Ruth McEnery Stuart is a fictional story likely penned in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Sonny, a...
Ruth McEnery Stuart (1849–1917) was an American author.
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