"Fortune" by J. C. Snaith is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young man who sets out on an adventurous quest for his fortune, bravely leaving his home and the comforts of life behind. As he journeys to a foreign land, he encounters challenges, both physical and moral, while grappling with his youthful ideals and the stark realities of life. At the start of the novel, the protagonist embarks on a journey from his hometown, full of optimism and youthful exuberance. He reflects on his upbringing and resolves to find fortune in a distant land. However, as he sets off, he quickly encounters hardships, notably the harsh climate and the desert landscape that threatens his spirit. His kindness, shown through his charity towards an old woman, complicates his financial situation. Eventually, he finds himself at a decrepit inn, where he meets Sir Richard Pendragon, an enigmatic Englishman with a boisterous demeanor, who challenges his perceptions and engages him in a battle of wits and swords, setting the stage for further adventures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By J. C. (John Collis) Snaith
"Fortune" by J. C. Snaith is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young man who sets out on an adventurous quest for his for...
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About the Author
John Collis Snaith was an English first-class cricketer active 1900 who played for Nottinghamshire. He was born in Nottingham; died in Hampstead. He was also a novelist, writing as J. C. Snaith, and played in the Authors Cricket Club alongside fellow authors A. A. Milne and P. G. Wodehouse among others.
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