"Jekyll-Hyde Planet" by Jack Lewis is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The story explores themes of colonization and morality as families leave Earth to settle on a new planet, Centifor, which possesses both a paradisiacal side and a harsh, inhospitable terrain—thus embodying the duality of its title. The narrative examines the hopes and challenges faced by the colonists as they navigate their new lives and confront unexpected conflicts. In the tale, the Marshall family, consisting of Claude, Joan, and their son Billy, arrive on Centifor with dreams of a fresh start away from the chaos of Earth. Upon reaching their designated homestead, they discover another family, the Whitings, claiming the same land, leading to a confrontation over their rights. As tensions rise, the story unfolds to reveal not only the beauty of their new world but also the underlying challenges that come with it, including betrayal and corruption in the colonization process. Ultimately, the plot twists to reveal that their arrival was part of a test designed to summon out undesirable elements, leading to a resolution that emphasizes the importance of character and ethical choices in the face of adversity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jekyll-Hyde Planet
By Jack Lewis
"Jekyll-Hyde Planet" by Jack Lewis is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The story explores themes of colonization and mor...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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