"Purple Forever" by Jack Lewis is a science fiction novel written in the early to mid-1950s. The story revolves around former Major Carl Keating, who is drawn back into the world of astronomical exploration through a mysterious invitation from Dr. Norman Hamlin. It delves into themes of immortality and human morality as Keating and a small team embark on a perilous journey to Venus, a planet long believed to be inhospitable to human life, only to uncover startling truths that challenge their understanding of life, death, and what it means to be truly alive. In the narrative, Keating is confronted with a web of intrigue involving long-lost astronauts thought to be dead, the promise of an atmosphere that allows human survival against all odds, and the moral implications of sacrificing sentient life forms for the sake of human immortality. As the crew navigates the dangers of Venus and their own interpersonal conflicts, Keating must grapple with the choices they face, ultimately leading to a profound confrontation with ethical dilemmas surrounding survival and what individuals are willing to do to secure their own immortality. Each character’s motivations create a tension-filled dynamic that propels the story toward its gripping climax. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Purple Forever
By Jack Lewis
"Purple Forever" by Jack Lewis is a science fiction novel written in the early to mid-1950s. The story revolves around former Major Carl Keating, who ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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