"Spawn of the Venus Sea" by Harry Walton is a science fiction novel originally published in the early 1940s. Set against the backdrop of Venus's ocean, this tale explores the horrifying encounter between a crew aboard the ship "Mermaid" and deadly sea creatures known as ghost snakes. The narrative is filled with tension as the characters grapple with survival, illustrating themes of fear and the unknown in a vividly imagined extraterrestrial oceanic environment. In this gripping story, Second Mate Stanley Kort finds himself in a precarious situation after a fellow crew member is killed by a mysterious creature from the depths of the Dead Sea. As more members of the crew fall victim to the enigmatic and terrifying sea slugs, Kort races against time to understand the nature of these beings and their ability to flicker in and out of existence. With the impending threat of a deadly storm, Kort devises a plan using a stroboscope to synchronize with the creatures' vibratory existence, ultimately leading to a battle for survival as the crew tries to reclaim their ship from the seemingly invincible adversaries lurking in the ocean. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Spawn of the Venus Sea
By Harry Walton
"Spawn of the Venus Sea" by Harry Walton is a science fiction novel originally published in the early 1940s. Set against the backdrop of Venus's ocean...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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