"The Boy Scout Treasure Hunters; Or, The Lost Treasure of Buffalo Hollow" by Charles Henry Lerrigo is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Glen Mason, a troubled boy who escapes from a reform school and embarks on a quest that leads him to a Boy Scout camp where he forms new friendships and finds himself on a treasure hunt. The narrative is rooted in themes of bravery, trust, and redemption as it explores the aspirations and challenges of a young boy trying to chart a new course in life. At the start of the story, we meet Glen Mason during supper at the State Industrial School for Boys. He is tired of life in reform school and begins to devise a plan for escape after hearing about the freedom other boys enjoy. His determination to break free intensifies after he attends a dental appointment, leading to a series of events where he ultimately finds himself hiding and then escaping into the night, landing in a barrel of rainwater. Glen's good fortune soon changes as he meets Jolly Bill and his mother, who take him in. This meeting softens his heart and sets the stage for his eventual initiation into the Boy Scouts, where he forges new connections and joins a treasure hunting adventure that embodies themes of camaraderie, loyalty, and personal growth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Boy Scout Treasure Hunters; Or, The Lost Treasure of Buffalo Hollow
By Charles Henry Lerrigo
"The Boy Scout Treasure Hunters; Or, The Lost Treasure of Buffalo Hollow" by Charles Henry Lerrigo is a fictional adventure novel written in the early...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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