"Keeping Up with Lizzie" by Irving Bacheller is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set in the fictional village of Pointview, Connecticut, and explores themes of ambition, social class, and personal growth through the life of the character Lizzie and the residents surrounding her. The opening of the novel introduces us to Socrates Potter, a clever lawyer and philosopher who observes the social dynamics of Pointview. He notes the extravagant lifestyle of merchants and their families, particularly that of Lizzie Henshaw, whose rise in status and ambition sparks a community-wide competition to keep up with her. Henshaw's father struggles to maintain their grocery business while funding Lizzie's education and lavish lifestyle, leading to a ripple effect of financial strain among other residents. The narrative captures the whimsical, yet critical view of societal pressures as families and individuals chase an idealized version of success, demonstrating how aspirations can lead to both personal and communal discord. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Keeping up with Lizzie
By Irving Bacheller
"Keeping Up with Lizzie" by Irving Bacheller is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set in the fictional village of Pointview, Con...
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About the Author
Addison Irving Bacheller was an American journalist and writer. He founded the first modern newspaper syndicate in the United States.
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