"Atavism" by Erik Fennel is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. Set against the backdrop of wartime, the narrative intertwines elements of war and extraterrestrial exploration, exploring themes of evolutionary traits and the concept of atavism, which refers to the reversion to ancestral traits. The book crafts a narrative that reflects on both human and Martian existence, examining survival instincts and emotional responses. The story follows Gunnar and Martha, two survivors dodging enemy forces in a war-torn land, who stumble upon a mysterious Martian entity named Erg, sent to Earth to explore. As Gunnar and Martha grapple with their dire situation, they encounter a massive transformation tied to the effects of alien technology on Erg, leading to a division of his consciousness into conflicting personalities, rooted in primal human emotions. This interplay leads to a tense climax as Gunnar and Martha must not only survive the physical threats of the war but also confront the unseen consequences of their newfound powers while navigating their instinctual responses to fear, trust, and survival. Ultimately, "Atavism" explores the nature of identity and humanity through the lens of extraordinary circumstances, merging science fiction with themes deeply rooted in psychology and the human experience. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Erik Fennel
"Atavism" by Erik Fennel is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. Set against the backdrop of wartime, the narrative intertw...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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