"Synthetic Hero" by Erik Fennel is a science fiction novella written in the late 1940s. The narrative centers around George Carlin, a wealthy and egocentric industrialist who, facing a terminal illness known as Matson's Disease, devises a grandiose plan to become a hero by traveling to the moon. This story explores themes of ego, identity, and the nature of heroism against a backdrop of human ambition and technological advancement. The plot follows Carlin’s descent as he orchestrates a one-way trip to the moon, resulting in an accidental transformation into a public figure celebrated for discovering a potential cure for his disease. However, the true pioneer behind the mission, engineer Verne Harris, is unceremoniously ignored in the narrative, leading to tragic consequences. As Carlin drinks away his troubles, he eventually learns of Harris's sacrifice and the myth that replaces their shared reality, illustrating how society often elevates flawed individuals while the genuine heroes remain unrecognized or forgotten. Ultimately, Carlin’s journey is one of loss, redemption, and the harsh reality of how public perception can shape history, leaving him with the haunting truth of another man's overlooked legacy. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Synthetic Hero
By Erik Fennel
"Synthetic Hero" by Erik Fennel is a science fiction novella written in the late 1940s. The narrative centers around George Carlin, a wealthy and egoc...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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