"Half-Hours with Jimmieboy" by John Kendrick Bangs is a collection of children's stories written in the late 19th century. The book features a young boy named Jimmieboy who embarks on whimsical adventures filled with imaginative encounters, particularly focusing on themes of childhood wonder and the joy of giving, especially around the Christmas season. The opening of "Half-Hours with Jimmieboy" introduces us to Jimmieboy's Christmas Eve, where he grapples with disappointment over not receiving a coveted velocipede from Santa Claus due to chimney size constraints. As he tries to sleep, he unexpectedly meets Santa Claus and his assistant Marmy, leading to a delightful adventure where he is invited to help deliver toys to other children. Jimmieboy's selflessness shines through when he chooses to leave his own toys for a sick child and a group of orphans, reflecting the book's emphasis on the joy of giving and the heartwarming magic of Christmas. This charming narrative sets the tone for Jimmieboy's imaginative escapades throughout the collection. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Half-Hours with Jimmieboy
By John Kendrick Bangs
"Half-Hours with Jimmieboy" by John Kendrick Bangs is a collection of children's stories written in the late 19th century. The book features a young b...
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About the Author
John Kendrick Bangs was an American writer, humorist, editor and satirist.
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