"Mollie and the Unwiseman" by John Kendrick Bangs is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story features a little girl named Mollie and her whimsical interactions with a quirky character known as the Unwiseman, who is full of nonsensical ideas and peculiar logic. The narrative takes readers on imaginative adventures that explore themes of curiosity, friendship, and the joy of playful absurdity. The opening of the novel introduces Mollie after a day of playing, where she encounters a sobbing shepherdess named Bopeep who has lost her sheep. Mollie, along with her rubber doll Whistlebinkie and her other doll Flaxilocks, decides to help Bopeep find her lost sheep, leading them to the Unwiseman. The Unwiseman, depicted as an amusingly clueless character, gives nonsensical responses to their inquiries about the missing sheep, further establishing his role as a source of humorous confusion. As the story unfolds, it promises whimsical interactions, odd adventures, and the charming dynamics between Mollie and her doll companions, making it an enchanting read for children. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mollie and the Unwiseman
By John Kendrick Bangs
"Mollie and the Unwiseman" by John Kendrick Bangs is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story features a little girl named Moll...
John Kendrick Bangs was an American writer, humorist, editor and satirist.
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