"The Motormaniacs" by Lloyd Osbourne is a novel likely penned in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a group of young adults navigating their relationships amidst the backdrop of the burgeoning automobile culture, filled with social dynamics, romantic entanglements, and the exhilarating, sometimes dangerous allure of cars. At the start of the book, we are introduced to the main character and her interactions with an engaged girl, suggesting themes of love and rivalry. The dialogue sheds light on the complexities of their past relationships, hinting at a deeper exploration of character motives and desires as the plot unfolds. The conversation transitions from humorous banter to serious reflections on romantic entanglements, suggesting a tonal blend of levity and emotional depth, while also subtly critiquing social dynamics and expectations of the era. The opening effectively sets up the anticipation of more dramatic developments surrounding automobiles and their impacts on personal relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Motormaniacs
By Lloyd Osbourne
"The Motormaniacs" by Lloyd Osbourne is a novel likely penned in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a group of young adults navigating ...
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About the Author
Samuel Lloyd Osbourne was an American author and the stepson of the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, with whom he co-authored three books, including The Wrecker. He also provided input and ideas on others. Osbourne wrote a number of stories and essays on his own, including An Intimate Portrait of R L S By His Stepson (1924).
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