"The Young Trail Hunters" by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story chronicles the escapades of two boys, Hal Hyde and Ned Brown, as they learn about life on a stock ranch in Texas and embark on a perilous journey across the Great Plains laden with adventure and discovery. Set against the backdrop of dangerous encounters with Plains Indians, their adventures not only illustrate the challenges of frontier life but also offer insights into the landscape and wildlife of the American West. The opening of "The Young Trail Hunters" introduces the enthusiastic boys, Hal and Ned, who have recently arrived in Texas to gain firsthand experience of ranch life. Their excitement is palpable as they anticipate seeing a herd of wild mustangs. Through their interactions with Manuel, a skilled mustang herder, and their spirited discussions, readers quickly grasp their eagerness and youthful bravado. The narrative sets the stage for the boys' forthcoming adventures on the plains, hinting at the thrilling and dangerous encounters that will define their growth and experiences as young trail hunters. As events unfold, the boys' desire to prove their worth amidst the nature's perilous beauty becomes a central theme, drawing readers into their world full of excitement and challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Young Trail Hunters Or, the Wild Riders of the Plains. The Veritable Adventures of Hal Hyde and Ned Brown, on Their Journey Across the Great Plains of the South-West
By Samuel Woodworth Cozzens
"The Young Trail Hunters" by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story chronicles the escapades of two boys, Hal...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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