"Big Baby" by Jack Sharkey is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The book follows Jerry Norcriss, a Space Zoologist sent to investigate a mysterious alien presence on a planet colonized by humans. The story delves into themes of alien lifeforms, the nature of perception, and the human mind's interaction with extraterrestrial beings. In "Big Baby," the plot unfolds as Jerry is tasked with learning about a seven-hundred-foot-tall alien creature that has been inadvertently overlooked by roborocket scanners. Initially believed to be a menacing force, the creature's true form is revealed to be that of a helpless baby, capable of mimicking its victims’ life-signatures through telepathy. Through his contact with the alien, Jerry experiences the entity's loneliness and its instinct for self-preservation. As the story progresses, the alien is ultimately confronted by Jerry's team, leading to a thrilling climax where they must deal with the creature's deceptive powers. In the end, Jerry learns profound insights about the nature of fear, alien life, and the complexities of existence itself. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Big Baby
By Jack Sharkey
"Big Baby" by Jack Sharkey is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The book follows Jerry Norcriss, a Space Zoologist sent to investi...
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About the Author
John Michael Sharkey was an American writer who published over eighty plays, many under pen names.
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