"The Last American" by John Ames Mitchell is a speculative fiction novel written in the late 19th century, specifically in 1889. The book serves as a satirical exploration of American culture as viewed through the lens of a Persian prince, Khan-li, who discovers the remnants of the once-great Mehrikan civilization (representing America) in a distant future where this society has crumbled and vanished. The narrative unfolds as Khan-li and his crew aboard the Zlotuhb arrive at the ruins of Nhu-Yok (New York) in the year 2951. As they explore the strangling silence of the decayed urban landscape, they uncover artifacts and remnants of the Mehrikans’ extravagant yet shallow civilization characterized by materialism and a lack of original cultural contributions. Through the descriptions provided by Nofuhl, the crew’s historian, the book presents a poignant critique of the pursuit of wealth, consumerism, and the eventual decline of a society that failed to prioritize meaningful values, resulting in its swift extinction. The climax occurs when the team encounters the last remaining native of this civilization, which leads to tragic and violent consequences, culminating in the reflection on the follies of both cultures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Last American A Fragment from the Journal of Khan-li, Prince of Dimph-yoo-chur and Admiral in the Persian Navy
By John Ames Mitchell
"The Last American" by John Ames Mitchell is a speculative fiction novel written in the late 19th century, specifically in 1889. The book serves as a ...
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About the Author
John Ames Mitchell was an American publisher, architect, artist and novelist. He was co-founder, editor, and publisher of the original Life magazine, in which he was a contributing artist, and the author of several novels.
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