"Summerfield" by Day Kellogg Lee is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around Matthew Fabens, a young man who embarks on a journey from his home along the Hudson River to establish a new life in the wilderness of western New York, specifically in a region known as the Lake Country. This tale likely explores themes of family, hard work, and the challenges and joys of rural life, presenting a vivid contrast between urban and country living. The opening of the novel introduces us to Matthew Fabens and his family as he contemplates the adventure of moving to the Lake Country. Encouraged by his Uncle Walter, he expresses his desire to leave behind the familiar comforts of home in Cloverdale to explore the wilderness filled with natural beauty and opportunities. Matthew's parents reluctantly support his decision, imparting their wisdom and love before he sets off on his journey. The narrative hints at the emotional complexities of leaving home and the transformative experiences that await him in his new life among the settlers and the wild, showcasing both the excitement of starting anew and the pangs of separation from his loved ones. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Summerfield or, Life on a Farm
By Day Kellogg Lee
"Summerfield" by Day Kellogg Lee is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around Matthew Fabens, a young man who embarks on a ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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