"Lazarus Come Forth" by Ray Bradbury is a science fiction short story written in the early to mid-20th century. The narrative explores themes of war, resurrection, and the moral dilemmas surrounding the use of advanced technology as it follows a character named Brandon aboard a Morgue Ship in space, tasked with recovering bodies after battles in an ongoing war with Mars. The core premise revolves around the discovery and revival of a three-century-old scientist who may hold the key to ending the conflict. The story begins with Brandon searching for his son among the bodies aboard the Morgue Ship and soon becomes intertwined with the revival of a dead scientist linked to old myths of advanced weaponry. As Brandon fights against his unscrupulous shipmate Logan, who seeks to sell the scientist to the Martians for personal gain, the tale escalates into a struggle for the future of humanity. Ultimately, Brandon revives the scientist—dubbed Lazarus—and, rather than handing him over to the Martians, he chooses to return to Earth, emphasizing the value of human life over military might. The story culminates with Lazarus awakening, only to identify himself as Brandon, leaving readers to ponder the implications of identity, sacrifice, and the consequences of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lazarus Come Forth
By Ray Bradbury
"Lazarus Come Forth" by Ray Bradbury is a science fiction short story written in the early to mid-20th century. The narrative explores themes of war, ...
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About the Author
Ray Douglas Bradbury was an American author and screenwriter. One of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers, he worked in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and realistic fiction.
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